Data assessment of processes and their impacts on biodiversity and climate effects of forests
Using data from long-term monitoring sites and satellite observations, the CLIMB-FOREST team will assess and quantify climate effects occurring in forests across Europe.
All forests are different, forests have different ages, different management histories and contain trees of different sizes, density and species. We will be brining together multiple data sources to better identify and understand climate effects in different types of forest.
In this task we’ll assess the amounts of carbon stored in different forests and how this carbon is transferred within different forest ecosystems over time; how different forests with different management histories and micro-climates react to disturbances such as fires or extreme climate events; the relationship between soil properties and forest type, management, history and climate; and the impacts of short-lived climate forcers.
Through this task, we ultimately aim to identify the multitude of climate effects taking place in Europe’s forests; the properties and the processes taking place in the trees, soils and air of our forests.
Quantitative description of the impact of forest management on carbon stocks and fluxes based on data from all flux sites
The file “CLIMB-FOREST_WP2_ContributingSites_Overview_carbon stocks_V1.xlsx” contains the list of 87 sites from Europe and North America contributing to the Climb Forest project.
Supplementary information is available through the file “CLIMB-FOREST_WP2_ContributingSites_Overview_links to the data.xlsx” This document contains the list of 86 sites from Europe and North America contributing to the Climb Forest project.
Partners involved
Lund University
University of Helsinki
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research
Die Universität Göttingen
El Centre d’Estudis Ambientals del Mediterrani
La Universitat de Barcelona
Discover more
Mapping the management history and the current state of Europe’s forests to better understand the impact different forest management methods have on forests across Europe.
Working to better understand how wood products and forest management practices can contribute to a sustainable bioeconomy.
Working closely with forest owners, forest policy makers and other key stakeholder to identify the most optimal forest management options for the coming decades.
Bringing together advanced modelling capacity and state-of-the-art scenarios to explore how forests will change in the future.
Contact us
Drop us a message if you have any questions about CLIMB-FOREST mapping work or if you would like to connect with the mapping team.
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