Forest management and stakeholder engagement
Working closely with forest owners, forest policy makers and stakeholder from the forest industry, nature protection, recreation and more, the CLIMB-FOREST team aims to identify the most optimal forest management options for the coming decades.
Bringing together forest stakeholders and the research sector, we will first identify forest management options that generate forests that are resilient to climate change, and provide a full range of ecosystem services.
A group of 25 stakeholders accompany the CLIMB-FOREST team on field visits in Spain, France, Poland, Czechia and Norway. During the field visits we’ll discuss forest management options and each category of stakeholders will set their recommended management for selected sites. In addition to more traditional stakeholder engagement and interaction, we will cooperate with other work packages on modelling and visualization of forecasts of the development of the selected forest sites based on the stakeholder recommendations.
Stakeholders will help us to develop long-term pathways for delivering more resilient forests in the future and finally we’ll use our experiences to produce a template which can be used for engaging stakeholders on different forest management options across Europe. These various new forest management options will, through CLIMB-FOREST, be incorporated in the policy-making in Europe for resilient, and climate-smart forestry in Europe.
News and resources
Climb-Forest take a field trip to the Norwegian forests of Oslo
In May 2023, we organised a field visit to forests surrounding Oslo, Norway. We brought together a group of 35 forest stakeholders and researchers from France, Spain, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Norway to explore the rich history, current state, and pressing challenges facing Norway's forests.
Read a blog on the trip from Morgane Merlin.
Forest management toolbox
Forest management is about which tree species we shall use, which structure the forest shall have, how dense the forest shall be, how we manage habitat trees and more.
This forest management toolbox contains a list of management options for Europe’s forests. The toolbox will be used by the stakeholders during CLIMB-FOREST field visits and is publicly available to download.
Partners involved
El Centre d’Estudis Ambientals del Mediterrani
La Universitat de Barcelona
Institut Européen de la Forêt Cultivée
Uniwersytet Rolniczy w Krakowie
A/S Selvik Bruk
Discover more
Mapping the management history and the current state of Europe’s forests to better understand the impact different forest management methods have on forests across Europe.
Using data from long-term monitoring sites and satellite observations to assess and quantify climate effects occurring in forests across Europe.
Working to better understand how wood products and forest management practices can contribute to a sustainable bioeconomy.
Bringing together advanced modelling capacity and state-of-the-art scenarios to explore how forests will change in the future.
Contact us
Drop us a message if you have any questions about CLIMB-FOREST management work or if you would like to connect with the team.
Follow us on social media for regular project updates.